Jetty Creek Watershed Acquisition Effort
“The City of Rockaway Beach (CORB)’s current primary water supply comes from Jetty Creek, a stream which originates within a 1,300-acre forested watershed located 3 miles north of CORB. The watershed itself is nearly 100% forested, and currently owned and managed between two different timber companies, Nuveen Natural Capital (formerly Greenwood Resources) and Stimson Lumber Company. Prior management and harvest activities in the 1,300-acre watershed took place without input from CORB. In the past year, CORB has identified a goal of protecting the Jetty Creek Watershed through acquisition, easement, or adjusted forest management through conversation with current landowners. Given the complexity of this effort, and the numerous moving parts needed to support the continued delivery of high-quality drinking water to the residents and visitors of CORB, a stakeholder map has been developed to help CORB City Council, and interested community members understand the broader effort. The varying efforts, committees, and stakeholder groups include: 1. The development of a Drinking Water Protection plan. 2. The Jetty Creek Working Group. 3. Neighboring and regional area landowners. 4. State and federal agency representatives. 5. The creation of a Forest Stewardship Plan. 6. Parties to support the any formal acquisition effort.
For information on the Sourcewater Protection Plan Development Advisory Committee (SPPDAC)
Community Engagement
Jetty Creek Watershed Acquisition Community Engagement Session
Funding Opportunity through EPA Community Change Grant
September 30th, from 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Jetty Creek Watershed Acquisition Community Engagement Session
5:30pm – 7:00pm
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