Rockaway Beach recently adopted resolutions
- Resolution 2025-13 Approving Salmonberry Trail Preferred Alignment
- Resolution 2025-14 Approving Use Application for Weenie Wagon
- Resolution 2025-12 Awarding Contract to HBH Engineering
- Resolution 2025-11 Approving Wayside NCAM Music Fest
- Resolution 2025-10 Approving Wayside Chamber of Commerce Kite Festival
- Resolution 2025-09 Approving Wayside Chamber of Commerce Arts & Crafts Fair
- Resolution 2025-07 Approving Wayside Chamber of Commerce Thursday Markets
- Resolution 2025-06 Adjusting Appropriations for 2024-2025 Fiscal Budget Year
- Resolution 2025-05 Making Appointments to the Budget Committee
- Resolution 2025-04 Appointing City Manager as Budget Officer
- Resolution 2025-3 Appointing Members Planning Commission Vacancies
- Resolution 2025-2 Approving Agreement with EV Charging Solutions
- Resolution 2025-1 Adopting Audit Action Plan
- Resolution 2024-52 Authorizing Amendments City Manager Base Rate Compensation
- Resolution 2024-51 Approving City Manager Performance Evaluation Annual Summary
- Resolution 2024-50 Approving Updated MOU Jetty Creek Working Group
- Resolution 2024-49 Authorizing City Manager to Execute SDWRLF Grant Jetty Creek
- Resolution 2024-48 2024-25 Small & Large Community Grants
- Resolution 2024-47 Adopting A Public Meetings Law Grievance Policy
- Resolution 2024-46 Recommending Granting of LIquor License for Green Coast Market
- Resolution 2024-45 Authorizing OWEB Grant Application Jetty Creek
- Resolution 2024-44 Authorizing Statutory Partnership Agreement with Sustainable NW for EPA Grant
- Resolution 2024-43 Authorizing SDWRLF Loan for Nedonna Beach Water System Improvements
- Resolution 2024-42 Adopting the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan
- Resolution 2024-41 Adjusting Appropriations 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget
- Resolution 2024-39 Awarding Contract to Bidder for Wayside Project
- Resolution 2024-38 Approving Lease Agreement with NKNSD Tennis Court
- Resolution 2024-37 Adopting 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget
- Resolution 2024-36 Declaring Citys Election to Receive State Revenue
- Resolution 2024-35 Establishing Economic Stability Fund
- Resolution 2024-34 Reviewing and Continuing Reserve Funds
- Resolution 2024-33 Approving Proposal from Granicus STR Software
- Resolution 2024-32 Approving LOI and NDA Nuveen Capital
- Resolution 2024-31 Approving Wayside Use Application
- Resolution 2024-30 Amending Law Enforcement IGAResolution 2024-30 Amending Law Enforcement IGA
- Resolution 2024-29 Adopting a Cybersecurity Policy
- Resolution 2024-28 Adopting the 2023 Tillamook County Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan
- Resolution 2024-27 Declaring State of Emergency Due to Sewerline Failure
- Resolution 2024-26 Expressing Support Resilience Hubs and Networks Grant Applications
- Resolution 2024-25 Authorizing Award of S Pacific Street Project
- Resolution 2024-24 Authorizing Abatement of Nuisances 933 S Island St
- Resolution 2024-23 Approving Water-Sewer SDC Study Proposal
- Resolution 2024-22 Adopting Updated Employee Handbook
- Resolution 2024-21 Adopting Streets Captial Improvement Plan
- Resolution 2024-20 Establishing Recreational Immunity
- Resolution 2024-19 Appointing City Manager Budget Officer 2024-2025
- Resolution 2024-18 Adopting S Coral St Stormwater Feasibility Study
- Resolution 2024-17 Approving Additional Community Grants
- Resolution 2024-16 Approving SSW Consulting Strategic Planning Proposal
- Resolution 2024-15 Approving Awards for Tourism Marketing Grant
- Resolution 2024-14 Authorizing Letter of Support STIA RAISE Grant
- Resolution 2024-13 Authorizing Grant Application OPRD Lake Lytle Restrooms
- Resolution 2024-12 Approving Awards Facade Improvement Grant
- Resolution 2024-11 Appt Members Sourcewater Protection Plan Advisory Committee
- Resolution 2024-10 Approving Wayside Use Applications
- Resolution 2024-09 Establishing Fee for STR Waitling Lists
- Resolution 2024-08 Establishing Cap on STR Licenses
- Resolution 2024-07 Establishing Sourcewater Plan Advisory Committee
- Resolution 2024-06 Approving SOW Sustainable Northwest
- Resolution 2024-05 Approving SOW GSI Water Solutions
- Resolution 2024-04 Approving Additional 2023-2024 Community Grant Awards
- Resolution 2024-03 Closing Trails and Posting No Access Signs
- Resolution 2024-02 Authorizing Grant Contract for Sourcewater Protection
- Resolution 2024-01 Adopting Audit Action Plan
- Resolution 23-1017 Amending City Manager Base Rate Compensation
- Resolution 23-1016 Amending City Manager Compensation
- Resolution 23-1015 Approving City Mgr Performance Evaluation
- Resolution 23-1014 Recommending Liquor License Approval for Nirankar Inc
- Resolution 23-1013 Approving Addtl 2023 Cmmty Grant Awards
- Resolution 23-1007 Authorizing Abatement of Nuisances at 603 S Easy St
- Resolution 23-995 Adopting City Council Rules & Procedures